Laura wears many hats; she is one of the owners, as well as the Managing Director of The Potential Ability Group with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy), a Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management) and a Certificate IV in Leadership. Of note, Laura was a finalist in the 'SA Women's Awards' in 2020 in the 'Leadership' category.
As a ‘born and bred’ city girl, Laura had no intention of ever working in the country, however in her final year of University she had the opportunity to complete a community development project in Far North South Australia which in turn sparked an interest in regional work. Laura’s first job as a new graduate Occupational Therapist was at the Port Augusta Hospital and Regional Health Service where she had the pleasure of flying with the RFDS to provide outreach services to more remote parts of the Far North. After this she took a position on Kangaroo Island which was also fly-in/fly-out, and it gave Laura a true understanding of remoteness and the challenges (particularly financial and emotional) that clients can face when service providers are not local. Over the following years she worked in the Barossa and the Riverland, and then finally and most recently Laura was able to combine her love of country work with the closeness of her family by working on the Fleurieu Peninsula and finally being able to live with her (now) husband, who put up with a long-distance relationship for many years.
The Potential Ability Group marries the need Laura has witnessed for people to have access to local allied health services with the desire that Occupational Therapists who were born in regional areas are able to have a career in their home communities.
Laura loves being an OT and considers being able to help people 'do' an amazing privilege. She worked as an OT within the organisation since 2012 and has watched the team grow steadily. At the beginning of 2020 Laura took a step back from her clinical role to focus on the business side of The Potential Ability Group.
Laura’s desire to work in business stems from her grandfathers - both who are self-made men. Even when she was studying at Uni, Laura knew she wanted to have her own business one day, however the opportunity presented itself at a time she was not expecting (Laura was around 6 weeks pregnant with her first child) when she pitched the idea to form what would eventually become The Potential Ability Group. Being the Managing Director is a responsibility she does not take lightly, and Laura is driven to see strength and success for both the team and our clients, focusing on the opportunity to continuously improve our practice, and hopes that The Potential Ability Group will continue to be regarded highly for many years to come.
Other than work (where Laura finds the time we do not know!) she is driven by her family, including four very active and rambunctious children who delight and challenge her daily! Laura also loves to read for pleasure and spend time at the beach to clear her head with a breath of salty air…